Beast in Show
- Unstable
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Beast in Show - carta avulsa original Magic the Gathering
Coleção: Unstable (ust) , lançado em: 08/12/2017 borda: silver frame da carta:2015
Custo de mana: {4}{G}{G}
Cor/Cores: Verde -
Poder: 6, Resistência: 4
Creature — Beast
Raridade: comum
Texto Oracle: Trample
Texto "Flavor": "Something really special in the baloth category this season, in the terms of spike density and quality. We'd like to get a word with the handler, but are unable to locate her at this time."
Artista: Mike Burns
Numeração da carta: 103c
Layout da carta: normal
Etiquetas: Unstable, mtg_color_Verde, mtg_artista_mikeburns